
Old Cumnock Heritage Trail

In 2014 group members produced the Old Cumnock Heritage Trail leaflet through a series of workshops provided by Katy Firth from Northlight Heritage as part of the Raising the Bar project.

The suggested circular route is about 2 km long and takes in most of Cumnock’s rich and varied heritage. Starting off at the Baird Museum and ending at the Square the walk takes in the Woodroad, the Old Cemetery at Barrhill Road, Townhead Street and the Town Hall etc.

The project was designed and delivered by Northlight Heritage and financed by the Scottish Government, European Community and Ayrshire LEADER 2007-2013 Programme; East Ayrshire Council and Historic Scotland Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme.

In 2018 and working in partnership with Cumnock Action Plan, CHG produced a Welcome to Cumnock Map with an updated and extended Heritage Trail Map on the reverse. Two of these have been installed as town signage in the Square and Townhead Street.

Since then we have updated and reprinted the leaflet and you can download the 3.6 MB PDF from HERE or pick one up from the Baird or Cumnock Library.

Become a member

Membership to The Cumnock History Group is open to anyone with an interest in the history and heritage of Cumnock and its inhabitants.